We were invaded this weekend. Bunches and bunches of those nasty little creatures got into our pantry. Thankfully we had not gone to the store yet so only 2 items were ruined. A box of some sort of health cereal, and sadly, 3/4 of a container of NesQuik (Nestle's powder to make chocolate milk).
I cleaned these bandits out and even sprayed along the bottom of the pantry with Raid. It was hard work taking everything out. You know, what comes out has to go back in. I cleaned the shelves because who knows where their feet had been. I can handle spiders and snakes a whole lot better than ants. I go by the principal of where this is just even one ant, a million of it's road dogs are near by.
Well I was happy now. I told the wife my discovery and how I had vanquished the host from hell. I assured her I sprayed and cleaned up all excess spray so the pets would not get harmed. It was time to rest and tell "Little Rolling Thunder" to next time put the lid back on right and tight on the NesQuik. I love that stuff.
A little while later (you know where this is going), a hunger pain hits. Time to see what's happening in the pantry.
I open the door and what do I see!!!!!! Those little demons from hell are back!!! And they brought at least a legion with them!!!! Now they are on all the shelves!!!!!
This time though there was nothing they could get into. What a relief. Still, 3 shelves of stuff had to come out, little demons mopped up, shelves cleaned, stuff put back. This time I waited and noticed they were coming out of the wall through a crack in the door trim.
It was time to die for the spawns of hades. I sprayed the Raid all around the pantry edges (of course wiping up the over spray) and everywhere else those little beasts could come from in the kitchen. I even went outside and found a fire ant hill to spray - for good measure.
The ants have not been back. The new groceries appear to be safe. Thank goodness this dark crawling army did not get into my new box of Lucky Charms. That would have been worse than losing the NesQuik.
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