Now the fun part you ask. I use to have such naughty fun when I was a kid. My brother and at times some other accomplices used to pull all sorts of pranks. Of course we did the egging houses and cars. We lit pumpkins on fire in the middle of the road when cars where coming (the pumpkin was soaked in gas and had a fuse running from it to a safe place). Pushing dummies out of trees with the hangman noose around the neck as cars drove by. Hanging fish line across the road - when the front bumper of a car caught it, the car would travel about 30 yards and then pull the tied cans up out of the ditch and go clanking down the road. The poor driver would get out but not see the cans due to the distance they were back from the car. Fish line is hard to see at night also. The driver would repeat this at least a couple of more times until the fish line was discovered. It is amazing the language you hear right after a prank. Flaming bags of cow poop on front porches. Water balloons and eggs tossed over fences where parties were being held - sometimes an exercise period would follow during which you really wanted to be wearing a good pair of running shoes. And my speciality - streaking through Mobile Home Parks and at times certain neighborhoods. Yes that's right - nothing on but a pair of real good running shoes and a Halloween mask. Now I know today streaking is a sex crime but this was over 30 years ago when it wasn't and I actually looked good.
Well this Halloween will be like the last few. I will take Little Rolling Thunder around the neighborhoods for the purpose of obtaining a large cache of candy. She will share with me because we take 2 pumpkin buckets and a pillow case along for the adventure. Mom will stay home and hand out candy. This year my mother will be here so it will be extra special for Little Rolling Thunder. And being a Dad, it will, like the last few Halloweens since Little Rolling Thunder could Trick or Treat, will be the best Trick or Treating I have ever done.
That is just bad dad. Groos but cool. I can't believe your my dad, your the awesomest
Thank you for the comment Little Rolling Thunder..........you used my ID again.
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