Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Abortion and Religion

The question for the graph is “should abortion should be legal in all cases / most cases vs illegal in all cases / most cases. It is taken from Patheos and U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, June 2008.

Where do you fall on this graph? What do you believe? The above results are very interesting indeed. It really tells a lot about the state of religion in America doesn't it. The graph is surprising and then perhaps, maybe not so surprising.

It is interesting to note that Mainline Churches are dying and losing members faster than rats bailing off a sinking ship. And Evangelical Church membership is exploding. In fact, most of America's mega-churches (10,000 plus members) are not Mainline Churches. Don't know how the Catholic Church is doing on numbers. Anyone that knows should respond. The Mormon Church continues to grow as well.

The Jewish part really surprised me to say the least. I would have thought it would have been the exact opposite of what it is. Anyone who knows the numbers on membership should post.

The others are no surprise to me. I feel they don't value life to begin with so why should they have a problem with abortion. And if you feel they value life to the utmost, please explain all the stuff that goes on in Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist countries. I sure would really like to know.

So there we have it. A snapshot on how "Religious America" views abortion. My bet is that in every category over the next few years, the gap widens for each group.


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