Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Did The Professor Say!!!!!

The below is an email from one of my contacts in Israel. You really should click on the link and hear what this Professor has to say. It should alarm you and it should cause you to inform others. The words this man speaks are spoken daily in the Muslim world and perhaps even here in America. Listen and decide if Islam really is "the religion of peace".

If they haven't seen it yet, this must be shown to the White House residents and advisers. If you know how to email them, please do.

Click the link below to view it now:

An Alarming video every Westerner should seeAnyone (like Barack Obama) entertaining ideas of western democracies establishing friendly relations with the radicals of the Islamic world should watch this video. While watching the inflammatory rhetoric of the speaker, remember that this is not a Jihadists from Iran, but a professor from Kuwait - a country with every reason to be grateful to the USA for liberating it from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein's invasion.



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