They closed 3 schools in our school district for Swine Flu. Each school had one confirmed case. Poor Little Rolling Thunder was so upset that no one at her school caught it. When she heard the schools were closing, she and her gym rat road dogs started making all sorts of plans. The schools were shutting down for a week.
At the gym, one of the little gym rats actually got a week off of school. Texas is not making the closed schools make up any days. Well, she let the other gym rats know every day how much fun she was having. Her school missed their TAKS tests and now are making them up. But, the kiddo did have a week of fun. Now her parents have a different take on it since they both work.
Little Rolling Thunder made it through that week and just has 3 weeks of school left. We are hoping she passed her TAKS tests and will pass her grade. She gives us fits when it comes to grades.
If everything goes right, Little Rolling Thunder will train at the gym 5 days a week for a total of 25 hours and spend her afternoons swimming and hanging with the other little gym rats. And of course friends from school.
The Swine Flu did not affect our family in any way and I am thankful for that. Bummer for the kiddo I guess because she had to stay in school the whole time. Oh well, who said life was fair.
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