One can only wonder whether the Iranian people should be free. There doesn’t seem to be a great outrage from the current administration that a 16 year old girl was shot in the street or others have been killed due to the election fraud from the Iranian election.
What I have noticed over the past few years is that when it comes to Muslims, and Muslim women in particular, there doesn’t seem to be much outrage in this country or the West in general when they are abused by their governments or religious leaders.
So I wonder………should Iranians be free? Do they deserve freedom from tyranny? Does God value them less than people in the United States or Europe?
A place to ponder the experience of life in general. No agenda. Just a place to write, vent, question, consider, and whatever.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
20th Wedding Anniversary
No, it’s not our original cake but we have been married this day for 20 full years now. We have been through a lot and I can honestly say our love for each other has gotten deeper.
Marriage is hard and you have to be committed. You will have to sacrifice for the other person at times.
I thank God for my wife and I could not have made it this far without God and His guidance. Put your trust in God.
A lot sure has changed over the years. When we were first married, all our belongings together could fit in the back of a pickup truck. The last time we moved it took a full size big rig and huge trailer – you know – you see them go down the road all the time.
We started out with one cat that lived 19 ½ years before he died and have since added more cats (most of which has passed on) and a dog.
We also have added a daughter and now have a teenager. Hopefully our daughter will rejoin the human race around 19 to 20 years old.
Like other couples, we only fight about the stupid stuff but join forces on the big important issues.
It breaks my heart when I hear about divorces, especially when children are involved. Thankfully I grew up in a home where my parents stayed married and stayed in love. They have been married for 49 years now.
So hopefully all of you that are not at 20 years will get there, and those beyond with the grace of God will continue for many more years in marriage.
Marriage is hard and you have to be committed. You will have to sacrifice for the other person at times.
I thank God for my wife and I could not have made it this far without God and His guidance. Put your trust in God.
A lot sure has changed over the years. When we were first married, all our belongings together could fit in the back of a pickup truck. The last time we moved it took a full size big rig and huge trailer – you know – you see them go down the road all the time.
We started out with one cat that lived 19 ½ years before he died and have since added more cats (most of which has passed on) and a dog.
We also have added a daughter and now have a teenager. Hopefully our daughter will rejoin the human race around 19 to 20 years old.
Like other couples, we only fight about the stupid stuff but join forces on the big important issues.
It breaks my heart when I hear about divorces, especially when children are involved. Thankfully I grew up in a home where my parents stayed married and stayed in love. They have been married for 49 years now.
So hopefully all of you that are not at 20 years will get there, and those beyond with the grace of God will continue for many more years in marriage.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
On To 8th Grade!!!!
Another hard school year with Little Rolling Thunder is over. The good news is she is on her way to 8th Grade. You can't imagine how happy we are about that. Little Rolling Thunder is very smart but at times can really pull some whoppers when it comes to grades.
First there was the TAKS Tests (no, I don't know what it stands for and I am too lazy to find out). Little Rolling Thunder barely passed the Math portion. Just by a few points. 23 points over to be exact. Nothing like cutting it close. However, on the Writing and Reading, Little Rolling Thunder scored in the top range. Got to hand it to her, this was her best year so far for taking those tests. Little Rolling Thunder will have to pass once again in 8th Grade so she can go on to High School.
And then there were the final exams. Oh boy, what a scene. Little Rolling Thunder studied but one wonders how hard. We attempted to get her to study but sometimes it just did not work out as well as we wished it had. She flunked a few of them outright. Thankfully though, the grades from the rest of the year prevented her from outright flunking the entire grade. No classes were flunked. Well, win pretty or win ugly, but just win. Or in this case, pass.
So now Little Rolling Thunder is on her summer break. Gym in the mornings and the pool and friends in the afternoons and evenings. Yes, I remember having some great summers as a kid and I know she is fully enjoying hers.
Now me on the other hand, work. I have seen some pool action and will enjoy some more with Little Rolling Thunder and her Posse over the next few months.
First there was the TAKS Tests (no, I don't know what it stands for and I am too lazy to find out). Little Rolling Thunder barely passed the Math portion. Just by a few points. 23 points over to be exact. Nothing like cutting it close. However, on the Writing and Reading, Little Rolling Thunder scored in the top range. Got to hand it to her, this was her best year so far for taking those tests. Little Rolling Thunder will have to pass once again in 8th Grade so she can go on to High School.
And then there were the final exams. Oh boy, what a scene. Little Rolling Thunder studied but one wonders how hard. We attempted to get her to study but sometimes it just did not work out as well as we wished it had. She flunked a few of them outright. Thankfully though, the grades from the rest of the year prevented her from outright flunking the entire grade. No classes were flunked. Well, win pretty or win ugly, but just win. Or in this case, pass.
So now Little Rolling Thunder is on her summer break. Gym in the mornings and the pool and friends in the afternoons and evenings. Yes, I remember having some great summers as a kid and I know she is fully enjoying hers.
Now me on the other hand, work. I have seen some pool action and will enjoy some more with Little Rolling Thunder and her Posse over the next few months.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hitler's Children. Time to Speak
I want to clue you in on a very important historical work. I have clicked on the link and watched the film that is in progress. Maybe you will want to participate or know someone who may want to. These are real people. People who lived through the Holocaust. People from both sides. Here is the email with the link to the movie.
This is an important project. " Hitler's Children. Time to Speak"
A documentary, a powerful, mesmerizing dialogue between the children of the perpetrators of the Holocaust, children of senior officers in Hitler’s inner circle and the children of survivors. Both, living out the Holocaust daily, unable to go forward, finally facing the past, and being empowered to move on.
The site says it all!
Thank you
Ruth Rurka
Maya Productions Ltd.
+972-9 -771- 2723 +972-50-904-3040
I am including another portion of the email from my friend Jack who lives in Israel. This is living history. We must document it while we can.
Comments: I have been a part of this effort in the town that my family came from in Germany. I was there November 2008 to commemerate 70 years since my father's arrest on Kristalnacht. I was interviewed by the local newspapers, spoke in the local high school, and participated in a ceremony on Kristalnacht. I then drove to Sachsenhausen on the morning of 10 November just as my father had done some 70 years before. I speak English, Hebrew and German and would be interested in participating in such an event.
This is an important project. " Hitler's Children. Time to Speak"
A documentary, a powerful, mesmerizing dialogue between the children of the perpetrators of the Holocaust, children of senior officers in Hitler’s inner circle and the children of survivors. Both, living out the Holocaust daily, unable to go forward, finally facing the past, and being empowered to move on.
The site says it all!
Thank you
Ruth Rurka
Maya Productions Ltd.
+972-9 -771- 2723 +972-50-904-3040
I am including another portion of the email from my friend Jack who lives in Israel. This is living history. We must document it while we can.
Comments: I have been a part of this effort in the town that my family came from in Germany. I was there November 2008 to commemerate 70 years since my father's arrest on Kristalnacht. I was interviewed by the local newspapers, spoke in the local high school, and participated in a ceremony on Kristalnacht. I then drove to Sachsenhausen on the morning of 10 November just as my father had done some 70 years before. I speak English, Hebrew and German and would be interested in participating in such an event.
The Stud Rooster
I have seen this in various forms over the years and still think its funny. Enjoy.......
A farmer went out one day and bought a brand new stud rooster for his chicken coop.
The new rooster struts over to the old rooster and says, 'OK old guy, Time for you to retire.'
The old rooster replies, 'Come on, surely you cannot handle ALL of these chickens. Look what it has done to me. Can't you just let me have the two old hens over in the corner?'
The young rooster says, 'Beat it: You are washed up And I am taking over.'
The old rooster says, 'I tell you what, young stud. I will race you around the farmhouse. Whoever wins gets the exclusive domain over the entire chicken coop.'
The young rooster laughs. 'You know you don't stand a chance, old man. So, just to be fair, I will give you a head start.'
The old rooster takes off running.
About 15 seconds later the young rooster takes off running after him.
They round the front porch of the farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap. He is only about 5 feet behind the old rooster and gaining fast!
The farmer, meanwhile, is sitting in his usual spot on the front porch when he sees the roosters running by.
The Old Rooster is squawking and running as hard as he can.
The Farmer grabs his shotgun and - BOOM - He blows the young rooster to bits.
The farmer sadly shakes his head and says, 'Dammit...... Third gay rooster I bought this month.'
Moral of this Story? .... Don't mess with the OLD ROOSTERS - Age, skill, wisdom, and a little treachery Always overcome youth and arrogance!
Yep, nothing like experience over youth. I sure wish I could take all my accumulated knowledge and be 25 again. Now that would be something.
Remember, you can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy.
A farmer went out one day and bought a brand new stud rooster for his chicken coop.
The new rooster struts over to the old rooster and says, 'OK old guy, Time for you to retire.'
The old rooster replies, 'Come on, surely you cannot handle ALL of these chickens. Look what it has done to me. Can't you just let me have the two old hens over in the corner?'
The young rooster says, 'Beat it: You are washed up And I am taking over.'
The old rooster says, 'I tell you what, young stud. I will race you around the farmhouse. Whoever wins gets the exclusive domain over the entire chicken coop.'
The young rooster laughs. 'You know you don't stand a chance, old man. So, just to be fair, I will give you a head start.'
The old rooster takes off running.
About 15 seconds later the young rooster takes off running after him.
They round the front porch of the farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap. He is only about 5 feet behind the old rooster and gaining fast!
The farmer, meanwhile, is sitting in his usual spot on the front porch when he sees the roosters running by.
The Old Rooster is squawking and running as hard as he can.
The Farmer grabs his shotgun and - BOOM - He blows the young rooster to bits.
The farmer sadly shakes his head and says, 'Dammit...... Third gay rooster I bought this month.'
Moral of this Story? .... Don't mess with the OLD ROOSTERS - Age, skill, wisdom, and a little treachery Always overcome youth and arrogance!
Yep, nothing like experience over youth. I sure wish I could take all my accumulated knowledge and be 25 again. Now that would be something.
Remember, you can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The New GM (Government Motors)
This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns. It comes complete with two teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations. The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the "happy" Democrat owners.
Yep, we the people now own a major automaker. How about that. What's next, will the people own more banks, an airline or two, or maybe Dunkin Donuts. Maybe the government can buy up all the fitness places so we can have "free" membership. We have to wake up and realize that the government owning private businesses in the name of the people is socialism at its best and not what this country was founded for. Are we that far gone we that we just do not care anymore??? History is full of examples of Big Brother running the show and I cannot think of any one that was positive.
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
Holy Crap America!!!! We need to wake up and pull our collective heads out of our buttocks. This article was written by a RUSSIAN columnist for Pravda!!!! This is a Russian writing about us. This article should shock any who read it. We are like the frog in the boiling water. I honestly do not know what it will take to wake this Nation up. Maybe we are too far gone. We think we are free but I am starting to wonder the way things are going. What would our founding Fathers say if they could see 21st century America???????
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather than the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas than the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us (Russia) about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blinds the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox (Russian Orthodox) churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more than ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?
These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.
Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.
So it should be no surprise that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.
Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.
So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.
The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
Stanislav Mishin
American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather than the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas than the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us (Russia) about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blinds the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox (Russian Orthodox) churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more than ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?
These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.
Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.
So it should be no surprise that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.
Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.
So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.
The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
Stanislav Mishin
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Obama's Tiller-death Outrage
Just so we are all clear. It was wrong for that whack job to murder Dr. Tiller. That is not how God wants us to handle things. I feel for his family as they were present during his murder. No family should go through that.
Now that we are clear on that. The nation is in uproar over one man. But what about the millions of babies that have been murdered by men such as Dr. Tiller. Late term abortions where the baby is on the verge of being born. This nation has literally killed millions of babies. I have heard the number may exceed 58 million. Gee, with numbers like that, we are right up there with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Sorry Pol Pot, you only killed a few million people.
I am not going to get into the gory details but come on America, where is your outrage!!! Millions of people are not here because of abortion. Did you ever think the person that may have cured cancer or the common cold may have been aborted? Did you ever think the perfect spouse for our children may have been aborted? Your perfect spouse may have been aborted. This is just America alone, not counting all the abortions worldwide. God only knows what over 58 million Americans could have accomplished.
Think about this the next time you vote. Obama weighed in on a murder that if it had not been linked to abortion, his outrage would have never been in the news. Want to guess how many people are murdered (not counting abortion) every year in America, let alone the world? His shock and outrage over one murder??? This nation should be ashamed of itself and shocked at the number of defenseless babies put to death. The choices this nation continues to make has not escaped the attention of God.
Now that we are clear on that. The nation is in uproar over one man. But what about the millions of babies that have been murdered by men such as Dr. Tiller. Late term abortions where the baby is on the verge of being born. This nation has literally killed millions of babies. I have heard the number may exceed 58 million. Gee, with numbers like that, we are right up there with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Sorry Pol Pot, you only killed a few million people.
I am not going to get into the gory details but come on America, where is your outrage!!! Millions of people are not here because of abortion. Did you ever think the person that may have cured cancer or the common cold may have been aborted? Did you ever think the perfect spouse for our children may have been aborted? Your perfect spouse may have been aborted. This is just America alone, not counting all the abortions worldwide. God only knows what over 58 million Americans could have accomplished.
Think about this the next time you vote. Obama weighed in on a murder that if it had not been linked to abortion, his outrage would have never been in the news. Want to guess how many people are murdered (not counting abortion) every year in America, let alone the world? His shock and outrage over one murder??? This nation should be ashamed of itself and shocked at the number of defenseless babies put to death. The choices this nation continues to make has not escaped the attention of God.
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