Thursday, June 4, 2009

The New GM (Government Motors)

This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns. It comes complete with two teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations. The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the "happy" Democrat owners.

Yep, we the people now own a major automaker. How about that. What's next, will the people own more banks, an airline or two, or maybe Dunkin Donuts. Maybe the government can buy up all the fitness places so we can have "free" membership. We have to wake up and realize that the government owning private businesses in the name of the people is socialism at its best and not what this country was founded for. Are we that far gone we that we just do not care anymore??? History is full of examples of Big Brother running the show and I cannot think of any one that was positive.

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