Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hitler's Children. Time to Speak

I want to clue you in on a very important historical work. I have clicked on the link and watched the film that is in progress. Maybe you will want to participate or know someone who may want to. These are real people. People who lived through the Holocaust. People from both sides. Here is the email with the link to the movie.

This is an important project. " Hitler's Children. Time to Speak"
A documentary, a powerful, mesmerizing dialogue between the children of the perpetrators of the Holocaust, children of senior officers in Hitler’s inner circle and the children of survivors. Both, living out the Holocaust daily, unable to go forward, finally facing the past, and being empowered to move on.

The site says it all!

Thank you

Ruth Rurka
Maya Productions Ltd.
+972-9 -771- 2723 +972-50-904-3040

I am including another portion of the email from my friend Jack who lives in Israel. This is living history. We must document it while we can.

Comments: I have been a part of this effort in the town that my family came from in Germany. I was there November 2008 to commemerate 70 years since my father's arrest on Kristalnacht. I was interviewed by the local newspapers, spoke in the local high school, and participated in a ceremony on Kristalnacht. I then drove to Sachsenhausen on the morning of 10 November just as my father had done some 70 years before. I speak English, Hebrew and German and would be interested in participating in such an event.


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