Now that we are clear on that. The nation is in uproar over one man. But what about the millions of babies that have been murdered by men such as Dr. Tiller. Late term abortions where the baby is on the verge of being born. This nation has literally killed millions of babies. I have heard the number may exceed 58 million. Gee, with numbers like that, we are right up there with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Sorry Pol Pot, you only killed a few million people.
I am not going to get into the gory details but come on America, where is your outrage!!! Millions of people are not here because of abortion. Did you ever think the person that may have cured cancer or the common cold may have been aborted? Did you ever think the perfect spouse for our children may have been aborted? Your perfect spouse may have been aborted. This is just America alone, not counting all the abortions worldwide. God only knows what over 58 million Americans could have accomplished.
Think about this the next time you vote. Obama weighed in on a murder that if it had not been linked to abortion, his outrage would have never been in the news. Want to guess how many people are murdered (not counting abortion) every year in America, let alone the world? His shock and outrage over one murder??? This nation should be ashamed of itself and shocked at the number of defenseless babies put to death. The choices this nation continues to make has not escaped the attention of God.
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