Monday, November 23, 2009

Fort Hood Shooting Video Tribute

I am told this was reportedly put together by a police officer in Burnett County. You just have to watch and listen.

I don’t care what the liberal anti-American mainstream media says. This was a terrorist attack on our soldiers from within. To call it anything else is grossly naive and stupid. I just wonder when we are going to wake up and find the courage that built this nation. How many more will have to die before everyone sees these actions for what they are.

So watch, listen, reflect.


Pumpkin Pie Creation

You learn something new everyday. I remember Grandma making Pumpkin Pies but not like this.

Is this how they are made for stores??? One has to wonder.

Anyway, could not resist the photo.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Bower in Chief

What is with our President???? He bows to the Saudi King, he bows to the Japanese Emperor, he bows to the Chinese. What the hell is up with this guy??? Isn't he the leader of the most powerful nation on earth and leader of the free world????

We all know Debbie Did Dallas. Now we know Obama Does The World.

I have been alive for 10 Presidents now and have never seen such behavior from a President. Even that whack job Carter never did this crap.

Oh, our enemies must be having the time of their lives now.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Tale of Two Americas

Two and a half minutes to watch this comparison between George Bush's visit to the Marines vs. Obama's recent trip.

Semper Fi.


Fiscal Sanity

I don't know about you, but as I continue to hear about companies filling for bankruptcy and asking for more of my taxpayer money, it seems to me things are way out of control.

Or am I wrong and everything is okay under the current administration???
